What helps as a beginner is practice drawing straight lines on line paper or graph paper so it gives you the feeling of what it will be like without the line. When you feel get comfortable with that try it off the line slowly make a short line and over lap kind of continuing down the line. When lifting up your pencil then putting back on the paperYou'll need to look at the line ahead so you know your going straight and not at the pencil kind of like driving you loo at the road and not at the wheel and the petals same thing with drawing the line. Also your lines make look a little scratchy but that's totally ok because it looks artsy and fun! Another thing is don't worry if yours doesn't look good at first like it's still squiggly mine started off like that so, it just takes practice like most things.
Thank you for reading I hope this tutorial helped and come back for my how to's. Bye!
Here are different examples you can practice:
Practice without the line |
Practice exercise on a lined paper on the line |
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