About Us!

Hello we are The Arts group and we are very excited to share different types of art whether it's sports, singing, instrumental, drawing or other. But, first let me introduce our group!

     Hi I'm Richard and I'm 12 years old. Singing and performing is my passion and my life! I love to laugh and be nice. My blog posts contain tips and tricks about the key things to be a better singer. Singing is my passion, and I hope you can fall in love with as I did as well!

     Hi I'm Alissa but I go by 101 online and I am just in love with dance and music! I don't want to give much out, who can blame me? I am just in LOVE with the water and all of the water sports (water polo and swimming). I love anything that can help me and I LOVE MATH! (And techy stuff) SO I'm technically a nerd u can call me but what ever! I personally chose "The Arts" is because I am really into all types of fun creative types of ways to express myself. Even though I am more into sports than drawing and all that I feel this would be a stronger subject. Dance has always been my dream because it is like expressing myself without speaking, and it's fun! Stick around to see more dance tips or just random dance exports or more! Enjoy and thank you!

Hi my name is Lily I am thirteen years old in sixth grade and as a sixth grader I enjoy my absolute favorite subject math! and other subjects such as design, or art. Extra stuff I enjoy you may picture as female teenager like shopping at malls, read news about celebrities, listen to pop music and, putting on make up even though I rarely wear make up. Yet there are other things I enjoy which is drawing the second thing I can't live without! I love drawing because there are so many things you can do that takes you on adventure. Also it's the best way for me to keep you calm and relaxed. Other reasons could include I love how challenging drawing can be and how it gives you this great feeling when people see your art and tell you how nice and cool that is! The number one thing I can't live without is ice skating! Ice skating is a great way to show how your mind works there are so many styles of the way people do jumps and spins. Also I also love the challenges in the sport like drawing and I like how you can make so many improvements and learn so much. Also it's really good for building balance and strength.

Tiara she has lots to say about the art of band! She is happy to explain different instruments that she experienced from the trumpet the flute. Also she enjoys sharing how much fun and cool band is.

      Hello, my name is Kyla I’m twelve years old, in 6th grade and I love to make art, talk about art, and review art supplies. This year for school we get to make our own blogs so I thought this would be a good opportunity to be apart of an art blog. In our blog I will mainly talk about art, review art supplies, and share some techniques that I like to use in my art. In on this blog I want to target artists (new and experienced) about different art supplies and different art techniques through the eyes of a twelve year old. I would love it if you guys could share techniques and ideas with me. If you love to make or talk about art I think you will like our blog.

Together we make the ART GROUP!!!!!! for more tips and tricks to hearing amazing passions keep checking in. http://ljathearts.blogspot.com/ Don't forget we would love to hear your thoughts Thank you!- The Arts