Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tired of Bordom 3 Awesome DIY Art Ideas to do With old Mazgiznes or Cut Outs

Hey guys today I'll be sharing on how to make some really cool and exciting things to do with magazines or cut outs for when your board! Plus not only it's fun but it's good for the environment because your recycling in a way... so, if you would like to be green and artsy then this post is perfect for you! Anyways lets get started!
1. Use as you journal book cover for school if your teachers allow you. I highly suggest you try this because it's super fun to look at all these cut outs because your placing things you truly like, or favorite memories, and who likes looking at that same old boring speckled journal you carry to your math, or science class? Well I certainly get tired of that design.
What you'll need:
1. Journal
2. A pair of scissors
4. Lots and Lots of magazines/cut outs
5. Package tape or something to protect the cut outs.
Now all you'll need to do is look through the magazines find your favorites or goofy photos cut e'm out and stick them on using your glue. Let it dry. Then using your tape or whatever carefully cut the length you need and tape it over your masterpiece. Pretty simple huh?
Another idea is to use them as stickers simply just by using special double sided tape or use badges tape and cutting the shape out anyway you want use the sticky material tape on and stick your new sticker where ever you want.
This activity is super fun for people who enjoy writing and I guess it's pretty fun for people who don't like writing ether so... yeah
What you'll need
1. A pair of scissors
2. Glue
3. Some blank papers
4. Magazines and/or cut outs
Now all you need to do is just cut up pics from magazines or use some of your own photo, letters, etc. and try to make a story or two. It can be fun for people who like challenges because sometimes you find hard pics that is hard to build a story. So get creative!
Well anyways hope you like this fun stuff and try it. Thank you for taking the time to read these fun activities and hope to see you on the arts tomorrow! Bye!
Heres some ideas:
My english journal

Back of my english hournal

My U of I Journal grade 4

Back of my U of I journal grade 4

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