Monday, July 31, 2017


Hey guys, its been so long since I've posted anything hasn't it? Well hope you guys are having a wonderful summer, I am now at Mid Pacific Institute but I have some updates on this art blog to share. I am now going in to the eighth grade and signed up for some arts I really enjoyed taking last year. The experience at my new school has been amazing, and I would like to spread the word on how fantastic their art program is there, the teachers are truly amazing because they really make you enjoy what your studying and put so much passion into making you better and better in what you do. I've been in the music program for one year now and got really into music, I now love playing bassoon. For those of you who never heard of that instrument, a bassoon is a double reed instrument commonly played in orchestras and symphonies but can played in band as well. If I haven't come to Mid Pacific I don't think I would have appreciated music as much as I do now, music taught me so much, it taught me how hard work and dedication can lead to success (not just in music but in life).   I've made some drawings on most of the common band instruments played in our school band

At Mid Pacific I have really enjoyed their dance program most because the class feel like a safe learning environment, and the teachers are knowledgeable about dance, and are in your best interest. The classes are challenging and always give you something where you can improve. Before I joined their dance program, I didn't have very much interests, I didn't see all these wonderful opportunities Mid Pacific gave me, not just Mid Pac, but dance it self, has taught me that if you can put your mind to it you can succeed in anything. It was funny a year ago before I started dance I thought wow I never getting to level 2, now the time has come and I look back and realized I have a come a long way, dance has changed how I see the world, dance has taught me how to express my self and  how important team work is
Thanks I'm looking forward to a great year!

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