Monday, January 18, 2016

Martin Luther King JR. Peace poem!

Could fairness be peace? or could peace be fairness?
I was thinking one day maybe peace no longer exists, we’ve destroyed everyone's happiness
Maybe the world we're living in has changed people too much to care or think of the word peace
Then I realized if the world is missing peace then try to be the peace in the world that you wish
one person to spread peace to another can go a long ways...
Just by a simple smile, hello, or wave spread from country to country can spread peace
If smiling and greeting someone is that simple and always has a good outcome than why wars?
why kill innocent people? Why make someone in an unpeaceful life? I mean what’s the point?
Isn’t life designed to be simple? But first let me ask, What does simple really mean to you?
I think simple means doing things the easiest way and being able to make someone happy
I wondered something what would happen if the whole world was in peace?
This is what peace would look like to me
people smiling, free from war, feeling like there dreams could take them anywhere.
Everyone would feel like they could have someone to look up to and always be there
No one would have to worried about being shot, being raked, or treated unfairly
People would feel accepted for who they are whether it’s gender, race, or religion.
Now I call that peace, what do you think?
So together as one nation were the only ones who can change our actions and help others
Lets dream peace, think peace, and be peace
Together lets stand up and protect peoples rights one world one nation!

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