Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Band Playing the Oboe Part ll

Hey guys cooljammer is back with my daily post! Today I'll be talking about what it's like playing the Oboe! First I have to say it's a very difficult instrument because it's hard to control pitches or change pitches quickly from like a b flat to a D. Another reason for me it has many keys so it's hard to move your fingers to the right note quickly. Also it's double reed is also what makes it a tricky instrument because of it's size, it's thinness, and because of the the size it can make the embouchure hard.
Yet the Oboe is mostly a high pitched instrument but my problem when playing is not the notes it's the level of highness I'm playing at. Recently well today actually I had a band formative playing numbers 25, 28, 29, and 33. When playing that I had really hard time staying at the right beat (the pitches). even on the low notes like c. The only note that was working was A B flat! Yikes so my formative sucked :( This up coming Friday we have our summative and our last band class before switching art classes! Next I have chorus not to excited about that. But anyways I like playing the Oboe because of it's challenges and it's work ethic Oboe players have to put in to become a good player. Also you have really have to push your self past your limits and I love that feeling! Well now I just have to hope I do well on my yeah. Thanks for reading!

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